Hey team,
We are still unable to open in level 3. hopefully we will only be a couple of weeks here, then drop to level 2. Under level 3 guidelines we can see people who meet the criteria (answer yes to one or more of the following questions).
Will failure to access services lead to an acute deterioration of a known condition?
Is treatment required to maintain the necessities of life (Sleep, mobility, etc.)?
If treatment is delayed is there risk of significant harm or permanent and/or significant disability?
Will delay in access to services impact your ability to maintain functional; independence and significantly negatively impact your quality of life?
Can treatment be delivered by a service which is currently operating or by clinicians that are already in contact with you for ongoing care?
Have you sought other care?
Do you have a condition which is life or limb threatening?
Keep safe, and once we know when we are going back to level 2, we will begin scheduling visits.
Oct 18, 2021 at 8:22 PM
Will failure to access services lead to an acute deterioration of a known condition? Possibly Is treatment required to maintain the necessities of life (Sleep, mobility, etc.)? yes If treatment is delayed is there risk of significant harm or permanent and/or significant disability? Possibly I have concerns for my shoulder as all rehab has stopped